What a sunny week it has been – it’s been great to play outside. The children have started to get used to using the huff & puff toys again. Each bubble has it’s own box that rotates around. Other sports equipment for the playground is on a 5 day rotation so gets quarantined between use (photo above).
Clubs also started this week. I know a few of you wondered why the bubbles don’t apply. The DfE guidance is clear in wanting normal enrichment clubs to continue. The bubbles are in place during the day as it is accepted that you cannot distance 30 children in a class so the ‘bubble’ is the control. In a club, children can be distanced so different bubbles can attend together. Street Dance, for example, separates the children over 2m from each other in the hall (which works as you need space to dance anyway). Outside clubs have lots of space with a few children so again can space out and separate. We need to fine-tune home-time from clubs a bit next week but in general this organisation has been successful.