It is Children’s Mental Health Week this week and we have deliberately discussed this with the children throughout assemblies and in class. We have explored how to be healthy you need physical health, balanced diet and mental health. We have used a few youtube clips exploring these themes, especially how our mental health changes, as our physical health does, and that we can do things to help try and improve it – talking and sharing with friends, asking for help, exercise and self-help techniques. We have explored a few mindfulness activities such as active listening – in fact at lunchtime we have used mindfulness clips of animals and soothing images with calming music. You may also be interested to find out more about how we approach mental health and wellbeing for all and our school Governors have recently created a new policy on this subject – this can be found on our website (Our Curriculum>Mental Health & Wellbeing Tabs) as well as lots of information about how we help children and what to do if you are worried about your child’s mental health.