Easter time is nearly upon us and classes next week will all be exploring the most important week of the Christian calendar – holy week. We would normally end the term with an Easter service at Blessed Mary which we are still not allowed to do at the present. We therefore plan to do a remote service, a bit like we did at Christmas, that families can link into, if they would like. We will use the Google Classroom platform that we used during remote learning as this can cope with many users and streams reliably. Just login using your child’s details and use the ‘Whole class assembly’ class – follow the link at the top of the page. This will take place on Thursday 1 April at 9.15am.
When you join, please ensure cameras and microphones are turned off. You may also prefer to change the view from the tile (where you see everyone) by clicking on the three dots in the bottom left and opening ‘change layout’ – then select ‘Sidebar or Spotlight’ and you will just view the class who are talking.
If other family would like to join (such as grandparents) I can send them a link to this meeting. Please send the email address for the link to by Wednesday 31st and I will try and send out the links early Thursday morning before the service. Note that if you want to use a phone to join, you may need to have already installed the Google Meet app.