Welcome to Our New Class 1 families who started this week. Our Class 4 buddies have worked hard to help welcome the children and make them feel confident. This is also the perfect moment to explain what this Newsletter is for – a good reminder for everyone else too.
A Newsletter is produced every Friday so if you realise you haven’t received a copy you know you may have missed some important information/news – please ask the office for a copy if required. It is designed to be easy to scan through so if you are short of time you can look at the bits that apply. The highlighted blue/ red boxes explain urgent or information for events for the following week. On the left is an overview of diary dates, confirmation of INSET days and the bottom left a list of communications sent this week so you can work out if you’ve missed something. Quite simply if you scan the newsletter, you can’t miss anything and can never have to say ‘I didn’t know that was on’!