Welcome to our new families; those who have recently joined our school but also those Year R parents whose children properly started this week. It has been lovely seeing their happy, enthusiastic faces as they come in. Their buddies have done a fabulous job – parents should feel very proud in how seriously they have undertaken this responsibility. For the benefit of our new families, and a good reminder to everyone else, this Friday Newsletter is the key means we communicate with parents. Put simply, if you read the newsletter, you cannot miss anything – there is no such thing as ‘I didn’t know that was happening’ at Upham! Diary dates are updated on the side and more critical or urgent information is flagged up in burgundy boxes below. In the bottom left is a list of communications sent this week so that you can work out if you’ve missed something. I also send a Newsletter every Friday so if you haven’t received one, you will miss something – just ask the office if you need a copy.